National High School Mock Trial Competition Reflects Four-Year Journey for South Bend Team
May 19 2023
South Bend Trinity High School at Greenlawn is Indiana’s representative in the National High School Mock Trial Championship beginning Friday in Little Rock, AK. The team has been together for the past four years, reaching nationals in their final year together. The team earned the right to represent Indiana by capturing the State Championship earlier this year. Coach Hunter Van Asten has been with the team the last four years, even though he transitioned from teaching to a law practice in Milwaukee. Fulfilling his commitment to the students, Van Asten regularly travelled to South Bend to attend practices, and be with his students in regional and state competitions. Van Asten is familiar with Nationals, as he competed as a high school student in 2015. “I hope the students have fun and can stop long enough to appreciate the opportunity they have here,” said Van Asten. “I have the utmost confidence in them and I believe will represent Indiana well.”
Pictured: Trinity High School students with Foundation Director of Civic Education Tim Kalgreen (far left) and Foundation Civic Education Specialist Isaac Harper (far right).