Designated & Endowed Funds
Jack Lyle Memorial Fund
Jack Lyle (1920-2001) became Executive Director of the Indiana State Bar Association in 1969. Recognized by his peers with the Bolton Award as the best Bar Executive in the country, Jack and his wife, Sandi both were early proponents of the Bar’s involvement in civic education, specifically, the We the People program. This fund reflects the lifelong commitment Jack Lyle had to civic education and to the students of Indiana. His endowment funds the trophies for the state’s We the People competition.
Hon. Larry J. McKinney Fund for Civic Education
Judge McKinney practiced law first in Johnson County, Indiana then joined the federal bench in 1987. His dedication to students learning about the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution led him to actively volunteering for the Foundation’s We the People and High School Mock Trial programs. The fund was established in his honor in 2017 to support students in those civic education programs.
Hon. J. Terrence and Peggy Cody Loan Repayment Assistance Fund
This fund supports financial awards to attorneys through the Indiana Bar Foundation’s Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP) and to specifically include civil legal aid attorneys, county employed lawyers from the Department of Child Services, and county employed lawyers in public defender’s offices throughout the State of Indiana with a preference given to those attorneys working or living in Floyd County Indiana.
Hon. Richard M. Givan Loan Repayment Assistance Fund
This fund was established in 2009 in honor of the late Chief Justice Richard M. Givan and his commitment to public service. The fund assists attorneys working in legal aid and pro bono organizations or other nonprofits who make less than $70,000 annually. These attorneys may receive aid for repayment of student loans for law school or undergraduate education.
Joseph T. Helling Scholarship Fund
The Joseph T. Helling Scholarship Fund was established by Joseph T. Helling’s children, and the fund was created to award attorneys who has practiced fewer than five years by underwriting his or her attendance at the Indiana State Bar Association’s Annual Meeting. Mr. Helling was a proponent of professional development and believed strongly in the collegial relationships formed at Bar events. The scholarship funds the applicant’s registration fee, lodging, meals, and travel expenses, and it underwrites family participation in the Annual Meeting.
Phelps & Fara Family Law Fund
Gale Phelps and Thomas Fara had many years of successfully running separate practices where they formerly represented opposing clients before joining their practices. Both were active members in the family law section of the Indiana State Bar Association, demonstrating their commitment to the professionalism of family law by helping other attorneys and leading CLEs on various family law topics. The Phelps & Fara Scholarship fund assists a law student enrolled at the IU McKinney School of Law in Indianapolis with an interest in family law.
Hon. Randall T. Shepard Diversity Fund
Established in 2011 upon Chief Justice Shepard’s retirement from the Indiana Supreme Court. The fund supports and advances programs in Indiana that enhance diversity in the legal profession, including but not limited to effort by state and local bar associations in Indiana that support diversity in the profession, efforts to support the goals of the Indiana Conference on Legal Education Opportunity (ICLEO) as outlined in Indiana Code 33-24-13 et. seq, and the goals of the Indiana Supreme Court Commission on Race and Gender Fairness as outlined in the Indiana Administrative Rule 3(C).
Shirley Ann Shideler Fund
Shirley Ann Shideler, started as a legal secretary at Barnes & Thornburg LLP, but then became the first female partner of any major law firm in the state of Indiana, and the first female president of the Indiana Bar Foundation. At a time when women in law were a rarity, Shirley entered the Indiana University School of Law as a single parent in her 30s, graduated with distinction in 1964, and launched a legal career that would span four decades and be marked by extraordinary contributions to her clients, her community, her colleagues, and her profession. This fund supports the areas of greatest or unmet need the Indiana Bar Foundation has.
Hon. Cale J. Holder Scholarship Fund
The scholarship was established in 1984 in memory of Judge Holder and is awarded annually based on dedication to the administration of law, financial need, desire to be a practicing trial lawyer, capacity for leadership, academic achievement, and military service record if any.
William G. and Jane A. Baker Fund for Civic Education
This fund supports and advances programs that support the advancement of civic education with primary preference given to the We the People program.
Timothy J. Abeska Civic Education and Civil Justice Fund
This fund supports the Foundation’s civic education and civil legal assistance programs.
The Judges and Lawyers Assistance Program (JLAP) Treatment Fund
The JLAP Fund provides financial assistance to those who cannot afford treatment, medication, or other services. All donations go directly to treatment costs. The fund provides confidential services to judges, attorneys, law students, and bar applicants experiencing any issues which impact quality of life or the ability to practice in a competent and professional manner.
Friends of Indiana Conference for Legal Education Opportunity Fund (ICLEO)
The Friends of ICLEO Fund supports the ICLEO Fellows in various ways as authorized by the ICLEO Committee. ICLEO Fellows who are interested in achieving a law degree, admission to the Indiana Bar, and pursuit of a legal career need financial support in numerous ways. The expenses that are determined appropriate by the committee to assist ICLEO Fellows include but are not limited to purchase of clothing for job interviews, transitional housing assistance, study and school materials, and other areas which directly contribute to the goals of the ICLEO program and its fellows.