Resources for Teachers & Schools

Alignment to the Indiana Academic Standards
We the People is aligned to the Indiana Academic Standards for Social Studies and English Language Arts. Download the grade level to see the program alignment to the standards for that grade.
A collection of scholarly articles to explore key government and We the People concepts, such as federalism, separation of powers, judicial review, Congress, the Bill of Rights, citizenship, and many others.
A daily podcast that provides a quick and convenient way for listeners to learn about our nation’s government, the Constitution, and our history.
A production of New Hampshire Public Radio, a podcast refresher course on the basics of how our democracy works.
From the Center for Civic Education, this online course features videos noted scholars covering topics from the philosophical foundations of the U.S. Constitution through the modern interpretation and application of its ideals.
Primary Source Documents for Middle School We the People (PDF)
This document, crafted by The Constitutional Sources Project (ConSource), links to primary source documents to each lesson of the Middle School We the People curriculum.
Primary Source Documents for High School We the People (PDF)
This document, crafted by The Constitutional Sources Project (ConSource), links to primary source documents to each lesson of the High School We the People curriculum.
Textbook and We the People Hearing Question Resources
We the People Textbook Level Comparisons (PDF)
A document showing the content connections between the Elementary, Middle, and High School versions of the textbook, helping teachers differentiate their instruction to match student reading levels.
Tips for Answering We the People Questions (PDF)
A short document providing five short suggestions for answering a We the People question.
We the People Hearings Process Chart
A concise one-page flyer providing a We the People Hearing Process Chart.
Literacy Guide
Middle School WTP Literacy Guide (PDF)
This guide helps middle school students with literacy skills, like vocabulary, deriving main ideas, word mapping, etc through text and graphic resources.
High School WTP Literacy Guide (PDF)
This guide helps high school students with literacy skills, like vocabulary, deriving main ideas, word mapping, etc through text and graphic resources.
Lesson Plans and Graphic Organizers
Answering a WTP Question Graphic Organizer (PDF)
A graphic organizer to help students arrange the supporting evidence they are gathering to answer the WTP question.
Abraham Lincoln & Legacy to American Constitutionalism and Citizenship (PDF)
Lesson created by the Center for Civic Education in 2009 in honor of Lincoln’s 200th birthday.
Ronald Reagan and Executive Power (PDF)
Lesson created by the Center for Civic Education in 2011 in honor of Ronald Regan’s 100th birthday.
C3 Teachers Inquiry-Based Lessons
Aligned to the C3 (College, Career, and Civic Life) framework for inquiry, this website allows teachers from across the county to upload and download lessons that allow a student-discovery to answer compelling, overarching questions on topics.
Declaration of Independence (PDF)
A lesson, written differentiated for different learning levels, to teach the Declaration of Independence. Created by Lacee Hunter, Beech Grove Middle School (Beech Grove, Indiana).
Video Resources
We the People Teaching Best Practices
This video was recorded as part of the James Madison Legacy Project summer institutes in 2016 with new and experienced We the People teachers giving their best practices for classroom instruction (9:04).
Checks and Balances: Are They Working?
This presentation by Dr. Robert Dion, professor of political science at the University of Evansville, looks at the concept of checks and balances, how they came into the American government system, and evaluates their effectiveness (1:37:20)
The Law and the 14th Amendment
This presentation is by Christopher Riano, president of the Center for Civic Education. In it, Mr. Riano discusses history of the 14th Amendment and helps us to understand the Amendment’s protections of due process and equal protection. (1:13:17)
Teaching About Race and Racism in the Classroom
This is presented by Dr. Michael Ndemanu, professor of education at Ball State University. In this presentation, we look to understand the variety of cultures encountered in the classroom, adapting teaching philosophies to embrace all learners, recognizing biases and privilege, being culturally responsive, and promoting a safe environment in your classroom. (1:18:21)
Dr. David Adler from the Alturas Institute, presents about how executive power has changed throughout American history. Looking back to the Founders as a starting point, Dr. Adler looks at late 20th century presidents to understand the evolution of executive power. (56:57)
Online Modules to Teach the Executive Branch
Dr. Elizabeth Osborn from the Center on Representative Government at Indiana University, demonstrates the online gaming modules developed locally in Indiana available to use in classrooms to help teach the executive branch (1:04:51)
Early Founding Documents: The Constitution and Representation
Dr. Scott Casper from the American Antiquarian Society looks at early founding documents, specifically the U.S. Constitution and explains how the issue of representation was decided at the convention (1:02:02)
Literacy in the Social Studies Classroom
Kelly Waller, literacy specialist at Carmel Clay Schools, offers a look at the state of literacy in Indiana schools, takes a dive into the science of reading, and offers strategic tips, tricks, and recourses to bring additional reading and writing skills into the social studies classroom (53:10)
First Amendment and Freedom of Press
Join Professor Chris Bryant from the University of Cincinnati College of Law, as he explores the First Amendment’s right to a free press, from early American history to Vietnam War era challenges to social media in the 21st Century. (1:01:27)
First Amendment Lesson Plans for the Classroom
Andrea Neal, teacher at St. Richard’s Episcopal School in Indianapolis, goes through lessons, resources, and strategies to help integrate First Amendment lessons into your classroom. (45:35)
Music and the Civil Rights Movement
Dr. Damani Phillips, professor of Jazz Studies and African American Studies at the University of Iowa, discusses bringing culturally relevant music into the social studies class as you teach civil rights and African American history. (1:06:42)
Integrating Music Into Your Social Studies Lessons
Adam Ferguson, teacher at Plainfield High School, demonstrates lessons and activities for using music as a primary source in teaching social studies curricula. (34:32)